Magic and superstition

Magic and superstition The answers to the questions are prepared by the theologian Monsignor Costantino Di Bruno, Central Assistant of the Apostolic Movement. Q. Can the fact of being bigots be considered

Fertilization and adoption

Fertilization and adoption The answers to the questions are prepared by the theologian Monsignor Costantino Di Bruno, Central Assistant of the Apostolic Movement. D. With regard to adoption, is choosing the child

Abortion and euthanasia

Abortion and euthanasia The answers to the questions are edited by the theologian, Monsignor Costantino Di Bruno, Central Assistant of the Apostolic Movement. The theme of the meeting: abortion and euthanasia Q. If

Separation and Divorce

Separation and Divorce The answers to the questions are edited by the theologian Monsignor Costantino Di Bruno, Central Assistant of the Apostolic Movement. The theme of the meeting: Separation and Divorce Q. in